Saturday, November 26, 2011

I miss you my friends

I miss you my friends
I miss my Friends,
When I see some other Gang sitting around, caring, slapping each other.
Their mischievous smiles switching to loud laughter’s,
Though stranger to me,
they represent a part of my life i lost somewhere,
I miss my friends.
I like you all, I love u all, Stay happy where ever you are.

Friendship SMS

Friend like you is precious
GOD is so wise that he never created FRIENDS with pricetags, Because….. if He did, I can’t afford a precious FRIEND like YOU!!!

Friendship SMS

I trusted only you - friendship saying
You're a true friend,
That i want you to know,
Our love for each other
Has helped us to grow.
We've been through some tough times,
But we've made it through,
The only one i ever trusted was you.

Never say alone - Friendship day wish

Never say alone - Friendship day wish
Never say ur happy when ur sad…
never say ur fine when ur not ok…
never say u feel good when u feel bad…
and never say ur alone when I m still alive.


What Friendship

What Friendship is
FRIENDSHIP isn’t how U forGet but how U forGive,
Not how U liSten but how U UnderStand,
Not what U see but how U feel,
and not how U Let Go but how U hold oN!!!


Best friendship

Best friendship
I Say and You Listen,
its a Good Friendship.
You Say and I Listen,
is a Better Friendship.
But I dont Say and You Understand,
is Best Friendship.

Wonderful friends

Wonderful friends
Wonderful people r carefully created by god,
Wonderful moments are carefully planned by god,
Wonderful friends like u are carefully gifted by god.