present is experiment,
future is expectation,
use ur experience in
your experiment to
achieve your expectations....
Chhule asman zameen ki talash na kar,
Jee le zindgi khushiyon ki talash na kar,
Takdeer badal jayegi muskrana seekh le,
Uski wajah ki talash na kar.....
"Did" is word of achievement.....
"Can't" is word of defeat ......
"should " is word of duty .......
"Will" is word of beauty .....
"Can" is word of power !
Never change your originality for sake of others,
B”Coz nobody can play ur role better then yourself.
believe in yourself…
& identify ur effectiveness…..
Smooth roads never make good drivers.
Smooth sea never makes good sailors.
Clear skies never make good pilots.
Problem free life never makes a strong person.
Be strong enough to accept the challenges of life.
Don't ask life, 'Why me?'. Instead say, 'Try me!'
Inspiring you for better tomorrow.....
Kaagaz ki kasthi hai zindagi, lehron se jhunjatha hua chal
Sahil pe thame nigahen, niranthar tu aage bad
Dube to dube yeh kasthi, toofan se tu ja lad
Dharti tere gun gayegi, ambar phool barsayega
Marke bhi tu amar ban jayega.....
kya kahna chahte ho jara khul ke kaho,
dil ki dhadkan se kaho jara khul ke dhadko,
jindgi ka kya bharosa aaj hai kal daman chod de,
par jab tak jeena hai hamesha khul ke jiyo.....
When god solves your problem, you have faith in his abilities
When he doesn't solve your problems he has faith in your abilities !!!
Cherish things while u still hv them b4 they
r gone & u'll realize how precious they really r.
Life can only b understood backwards but
it must b lived forward......
Life never seems to b the way we want it,
but we live it in the best way we can.
There’s no perfect life but we can fill it
with perfect moments. Hv a nice day.....
In the CAMERA of your Mind ..
Load the ROLL of your Good Thoughts ..
Press the BUTTON of your Hard Work ..
Get the Photo of your Success.....
Success formula to learn from water:
Adjust yourself in every situation and
in any shape and most importantly
always find out your way.........
"Honey bees must tap two hundred flowers
To make one drop of honey.."
The sweetest reward comes from the hardest struggle....
Lock & Key r of Same Metel. Lock is
always bigger than the Key. Problems
r like Lock & Solutions r like Key.
Don't Focos on Problems but Find the Key.
Success comes to you when you think of
"I SHOULD WIN" and not that of
so friend be "POSITIVE....
ful stop is nt end,b'coz we can write a new
sentence after it,same in life failure s nt d
real end, bt it can b a real begining f sucess....
Every problem in life carries a gift inside it.
so,whenever u loose something dont
get upset because something may
wait for u more than u lost...!
Good imaginations are inspirations of life.
These inspirations give us so many good
turning point in our life.So have a good
imagination always.....
Nothing can be only negative.
Every negativity has a positive
aspect too.
Every dark cloud has a silver
lining & every night is followed by a dawn..
The Size Of Candles May Differ
But They Yield The Same Brightness.
It’s Not The Matter Of Your Position,
But Your Ability That Shines.’
Every successful person has a PAINFUL story..
Every painful story has a SUCCESSFUL ending..
Accept the PAIN and get ready for SUCCESS..
Every successful person has a PAINFUL story..
Every painful story has a SUCCESSFUL ending..
Accept the PAIN and get ready for SUCCESS..
Alphabet 'O' stands for 'opportunity' which is absent in yesterday,
available once in t'o'day
thrice in t'o'm'o'rr'o'w......
Never lose hope....
Having power doesn't mean that u can move anything.
but it means that nothing can move u.
Be strong.Live strong.....
EXPECT more from Yourself than from Others
EXPECTATION from others HURTS a lot
While EXPECTATION from yourself INSPIRES a lot...
When God gives us “NO” for an answer.
Keep in mind that there is a much greater “YES”
His NO is not a REJECTION.
Anyday If U r Depressed,
Confused Or HurtDon't Worry.
Go in front of d Mirror U Will find
d Bst Prsn Who Will Solve Ur Problem.
Trust Yourself. . .Takecare.....
Their is no good or bad in this world..
But thinking makes it so...
What people call 'congestion' in a train,
becomes 'atmosphere' in a disco club....
World is not a parking space..
its a racing track..
keep on moving..
no matter when & where u start but
reach ur goal & make a new record..
If world refuses to help you.
JustRemember the words of
"I am thankful to all those who
said no,Its bcoz of them i did it myself"..
Success & Excuses do not talk together..
If u want Excuses, forget abt Success..
If u want Success, do not give excuses!!
"Confidence and hard work in the best
medicine to kill disease called 'FAILURE'.
It will make you a successful person."
"Ur dream will not die.
Ur plans will not fail.Ur
destiny will not be aborted.
The desire of
ur heart will be granted only
"if you BELIEVE
IN YOU"...!
Champions r not supernatural.
They just fought for 1 more
second when every1 else quit...
sometimes 1 more second of
effort gives u the victory...
A fantastic line written at Tokyo bus stand:
Only the bus stops here,not time.So dont
waste your time,keep moving with your aims.
people always throw stone
in your path
now it depend on you
what you make from it wall or bridge
remember you are the architect of your life......
Congratulations! I knew that if anyone could
do it,you could do it-But frankly,I wasn't sure
ANYONE could do it,until you did it.......
coming together is the beginning
keeping together is progress
working together is success.....
We r all born in this world for some
special purpose..none of us are waste.
so dont be a prisoner of past. Be an
architect of your future.....
Some TIMES in LIFE, one FEELS that all doors are CLOSED…..
When that happens in your life, remember that WORDS that
"If u r on right path & u r not facing
difficulties, then think for a while u
may be on wrong path. Because
right path contains difficulties.....
if we fight, we may not always win,
but if we dn't fight we'll surely lose.
faling down is nt a defeat, defeat
is wen u refuse 2 get up....
Try to understand this msg,then u can
reach any height in ur life.."An inch of
time is an inch of gold,but u cant buy that
inch of time with any inch of gold"..
Life's Like a Mirror.
It Often Gets Misty With
The Fog Of Reality,
But Wipe It With Ur faith &
U'll See a
Clear Reflection Of Ur Dreams....
If u want to succeed in ur life:
be sweet as honey be regular as clock
be fresh as rose
be soft as tissue
Be strong as rock
Be smart as me.....
have a dream to get you
I have a dream to hold you
I have a dream to be with you
I have a dream for you with me
I have a dream that I believe in
Because I know...
Life ends when u stop Dreaming,
Hope ends when u stop Believing,
Love ends when u stop Caring,
SO Dream, Believe, & Care ----
Feeling bored?
think of me-
feeling sad?
call me-
feeling sleepy?
dream of me-
feeling lonely?
see me
my name is
self confidence......
never lose me!!!!
Fly in d plane of ambition,
Land in d airport of success,
luck is urs, wish is mine,
may ur future bright..
When u feel depreesed, confused or hurt.
Dont worry stand in front of a mirror, u will find the best one to solve ur problem.
'A GREAT THOUGHT : ' DO not expect the circumstances 2 b always in ur favour ..Bcoz This world has not been created 4 you alone."
Nice Lines By CHANAKYA:-
You Are Born
Without Anything But You Die With Your Name...
"That Name Must
Not Be A Word
It Must Be A
Take care
Speak 5 Lines to YOURSELF every morning:
1. I am the best.
2. I can do it.
3. God is always with me.
4. I am a winner.
5. Today is my day.
Success comes to you when you think of "I SHOULD WIN" and not that of "OTHERS SHOULD LOSE" so friend be "POSITIVE"
DID = is word of ACHIEVEMENT
CAN'T = is word of DEFEAT
SHOULD = is word of DUTY
CAN = is word of POWER
Be P O W E R F U L always
Problems are life big cotton bags, it looks huge when you see it. But when you handle it, it becomes lighter……. Life is also like that…. So dont worry about your problems…….
Do more then belong – participate
Do more then care – help
Do more then believe – practice
Do more then b fair – be kind
Do more then 4give – 4get
Do more then dream – work
Nothing is impossible, If we can determine, We can do it!!!
If U Find The Whole World Behind U &
U Are Alone On One Side
Then What Will U Do ?
Very Simple . . . .
Just Turn Back &
U’ll Become The Leader Of Whole World . . .
Think Positive . . .
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