You've graduated..Its time for you to: -
Live it up-To smile-Take a bow And
time for me to say..Congrats!Way to
go and WOW....
Fresh Flowrs 4 U wid Caring
Thoghts & Prayers 2 make ur
Life Lighter & Brightr
Have A Happy Life...
It wud b cloudy if U frown, Rainy if U cry,
Clear if U r Happy
So have a gr8 day....
Duniya ka hr shauk pala nahi jata,
Kanch ke khilono ko yu uchala nai jata.
Mehnat karne se mushqile ho jati hain
aasaan, hr kaam taqdeer pe dala nai jata.
my best wishes....
Saathi sirf vo to nahin hota jo jeewan bhar
saath nibhaye, Saathi to vo hota hai jo
jeewan ke kuch palon mein hi jeewan
bhar ka saath de jaaye. Gud Day.
A day is going to end again. It is nice to have a
friend like U making my everyday seems so great.
Thank U my good friend lastly gd nite n sweet dreams...
When you get this SMS, send it to 1 person u love,
1 u hate, 1 u always think of and 1 u wish to kill. Now,
keep guessing why I sent it to u.
When the day turns into night, keep your
worries out of sight, no matter how tough
the world may seem, u still deserve the
sweetest dream. GOOD NIGHT.
Life is never hopeless however great ur sorrow,
if you're luking forward to a new tomorrow.
Have a blessed, hopeful & perfect day!
Troubles r like washing machine;
They twist, turn & knock us around,
but in the end we come out brighter
than before... Have a nice day!
Night is given by God to forget today's
bad experiences & actively wait for
tomorrow's challenges. Gud Night
and wish u all success in ur challenges!!
Be a diode to remove -ve thinking,
a transistor to amplify the Character....
a resistor to drop Bad habits,
and a capacitor to store
Good thoughts. Gud Day...
Don't expect anything from life,
expectations hurt. When u don't expect,
every moment is a surprise & surprise
brings happiness with it. Gud Day!
Never pray for an easier life,
pray to be a stronger person.
Never pray for tasks equal to
your power but for power equal
to conquer your tasks! Gud Day!
Your eyes are tired looking at this world
reflecting through light! Let your eye
lashes hug each other for few hours.
Happy journey into the world of
sweet dreams! Good Night....
The loveliest days are when you wake up
to find that luv still colors ur world through
people who truly care & never fail to forget U.
Gud Day.
The mist turns to light, Morning takes
over the night. Another beautiful day
dawning, it's time to wish you a
very Good Morning!
When u decide to Create the time rather
than Manage the time, u will notice a dramatic
effect on ur stress & happiness level. Gud Day!
Whatever is warm & inspiring,
whatever means most to you,
whatever makes you smile & brings
you joy that’s what I wish for U!
Have a great Weekend.....
Life is an echo; all comes back, the gud,
the bad, the false, and the true. So, give
the world the best u have & the best will
come back to u. Have a gr8 day.
If you are stressed you'll get pimples...
if you cry you'll get wrinkles... Then
why don't you smile & get dimples?
Keep smiling....
Life has no rewinds n forwards.
It unfolds itself at its own pace. So
never miss a chance to live today to
make a beautiful story for tomorrow.
Gud Day.
Sending a pillow of happy thoughts to
create wonderful dreams, a blanket of
care to keep you blessed in life and a
prayer to protect you always. Good night!
Maine tere liye hi saat rang ke sapne chune,
sapne surile sapne..... So just go to sleep and
see what I have chosen for U... Gud Night
Arz kiya hai, Teri galiyon me na rakhenge
kadam... Aaj ke baad... Kyonki kichad bahot
ho jata hai. Barsaat ke baad. HAPPY MONSOON
Wash ur face... wash ur feet... now it's
time to fall asleep. Ur eyes r weak & mouth
can't speak... so, lets hope the night shall be
nice & sweet. GUD NIGHT....
Arz kiya hai, Teri galiyon me na rakhenge kadam...
Aaj ke baad... Kyonki kichad bahot ho jata hai.
Barsaat ke baad. HAPPY MONSOON....
The sun rises into the sky with the warmest
smile, he wishes you a good morning, hoping
that you have the perfect day. Take care & Miss U
God knows ur future. He may not reveal it to u,
but he'll walk with u & the future unfolds.
Don't trust the stars, trust the ONE who
made them. Gud Day!
If u can solve ur problem, then what's
the need of worrying? If u can't solve it,
then what is the use of worrying? Good Luck!
Commit your life, your plans, your dreams,
your fears to God. You will have peace.
Have a peaceful day.....
If you can't fly, run; if you can't run,
walk; if you can't walk, crawl but
whatever you do, keep moving. Gud Luck!
Between yesterday's mistakes & tomorrow's hope,
there's a fantastic opportunity...
That's Today. Live it lively.....
Smile makes the day better. That's the
best thing we can do to make life happier,
to us and to others. Good Morning!
If people around you, are trying to pull you down,
be proud about it! It only means one thing: U are
above them! Gud Day!
Good Morning! New day,
New trials & New challenges,
but let God lead your way!
Have a great day!
Champions r not superhumans,
they just fight for one extra second,
when everyone else quit. Just remember,
sometimes one extra second of effort gives
u the Success. Keep trying....
Either U can complain coz roses hv thorns
or U can rejoice coz thorns hv roses...
Just a beautiful way 2 say that Life is
the way U luk at it. Have a great day!
Destiny is simply the strength of ur desires.
If u cry at a trouble, it grows double. If u laugh
at a trouble, it disappears like a bubble!
Have a Great Day!
Life isn't a bowl of cherries or peaches.
It's more like a jar of chillies. What you do
today, might burn your ass tomorrow!
Gud Day...
Destiny is simply the strength of ur desires.
If u cry at a trouble, it grows double.
If u laugh at a trouble, it disappears like
a bubble! Have a Great Day!
Life isn't a bowl of cherries or peaches.
It's more like a jar of chillies. What you
do today, might burn your ass tomorrow!
Gud Day!
On the path of success always lies big O's,
many read them as Obstacles, only few read
them as Opportunities. Attitude matters a lot.
So always be positive....
When God solves ur problems,
u have faith in his abilities. When
he doesn’t solve ur problems,
he has faith in ur abilities!
Gud Morning.....
No one will manufacture a lock without
a key. Similarly, God won’t give problems
without solutions. So, go fearless and face it!
Don’t expect much from others and
get disappointed, but do not disappoint
those who expect much from U.
Gud Day!
Instead of feeling inferior coz someone
else can do something you can't do,
concentrate on what you can do that
others can't. Gud Day!
Life will be pleasant, if we are satisfied
with what we have. But will be more
thrilling if we make efforts to achieve
what we desire. Gud Day.....
Prayer is the right key to open the day and
to lock the night, it also leads us the way to
Gods Heart. So, don't worry and have a
Gud Day.....
Birth was not our choice,
death will not be our choice,
but the way we live our life is
our choice, absolutely ours!
So enjoy it and have a nice day.
Laugh at ur mistakes, but learn from them.
Joke over ur troubles, but gather strength
from them. Have fun with ur difficulties,
but overcome them. Gud Day!
If fate favours you one day and u are
asked what u want to be, don't wish to
be someone else because u are wonderful
the way you are! Gud Day......
We act as though comfort and luxury
were the chief requirements of life,
when all that we need to make us
really happy is something to be
enthusiastic about. Gud Day!
Morning is not only a surprise but a beautiful
miracle of God that defeats the darkness and
spreads the light. May this be a beautiful day.
Gud Morning.
Courage does not always roar.
Sometimes, it is the quiet voice
at the end of the day saying,
I will try again tomorrow.
Gud Night.....
When you want to enjoy life,
think today as your life's First day.
When you want to achieve something in life,
think today as your life's Last day.
Have a Gr8 Day....
Delay is the enemy of efficiency,
and waiting is the enemy of utilization. So...
don't delay anything and don't wait for
anything. Dud Day!
One day ur dreams'll come true.
One day ur presence shall be precious.
One day you'll be the happiest person in
this world and that day may be today!
Gud Day!
Every little smile can touch somebody's
heart. May u find 100's of reasons to
smile today! May u b the reason for
someone else to smile! Gud Day!
No matter if the sky is black or blue..
No matter .. If there are stars or moon..
As long as ur heart is true..
Sweet dreams will always be with u.
Gud Night.....
Valuing someone isn't merely by
seeing each other everyday.
What counts is that somehow in
our busy lives we remember to say:
Take Care, U R
God’s love has no limit. God’s Grace has
no measure. God’s power knows no boundaries.
May u have God’s endless blessings today and forever.
May the joy and peace of Christmas be
with you all through the Year. Wishing you
a season of blessings from heaven above.
Merry Christmas.
Jingle the bells and play the music loud,
for Santa Claus is coming to town!
Merry Christmas.....
Believe where others doubt; Work where
others Refuse; Save where others waste
& Stay where others Quit. Dare to be
different. Believe in urself! Gud Day.
Colors are brightening up the scene,
the water sprinkling up high, the holi is
almost here... so, enjoy!! Happy Holi !
I pray for you... A life that you truly deserve;
A life as good as your heart; A life as bright
as your smile; A life as wonderful as you.
Have a Wonderful Day....
Saw my msg?
n0w, can u?
still can't??
c0z n0 wORds
can x-press how special u are!
Good night...
@}--}}-- Its a rose
For you ;-) @}--}}--
Its a rose
For you ;-)
Your soul came back from dreamland reunited
with a sleeping senseless piece of yourself slowly
open ur eyes realise its a brand new day.
Good Morning....
Gud AM tym for me to make a wish …….
(wishin) ……… (wishin) ……. done !
do u know what I asked 4 ? I asked
God to make u happy all day long.
da starz r out, da moon is up, 1 more HUG,
1 more smile, KISS u once, KISS u twice,
now itz time 4 bed. Close ur @@, n sleep tite!
The sun rises into the sky with the warmest
smile, he wishes you a good morning, hoping
that you have the perfect day. Take care
& miss you.
Gud AM tym for me to make a wish …….
(wishin) ……… (wishin) ……. done !
do u know what I asked 4 ? I asked
God to make u happy all day long...
da starz r out, da moon is up, 1 more HUG,
1 more smile, KISS u once, KISS u twice,
now itz time 4 bed. Close ur @@, n sleep tite!
Our friendship is like a cracker
no matter what ..... together
we always had a blast
happy diwali....
khushion se bhari
sitaron se jagmagati
wishing you a diwali
bright with joy
sparkling with success
and glowing with warmth...
Jani thoray din sbar kar lo Ramzan khtam hoty hi azaad ho jao gy.
R Rozay Rakho
A Allah sy daro
M Masjid ko jaoo
Z Zakat Doo
A Aamaal achy kro
N Namaz prho
& mujay dua main yaad rakho
Gul Nay Gulshan Say Gul Faam Bheja Hay,
Sitaroon Na Asmaan Say Salam Bheja Hay,
Mubarak Ho Aapko Ramadan K Maheena,
Yeh Pagham Hm na Sirf Aap ko Bhyja Hay..
A coin is easy to earn, a friend is hard to find. The coin depreciates but a friend appreciates. I lost a coin when I smsed u, but it's okay because I got u.
What is a friend? She looks out 4 u, inspires u, laughs with u, cries with u, understands u, guides u and walks with u. That's what a friend is... u.
Some friends are remembered because of their smile. Some friends are remembered because of their style. But u are remembered because u r so nice to remember. Take care.
Sometimes, I forget to say hi,
Sometimes, I even miss to reply,
Sometimes, my msg doesn't reach u,
But, it doesn't mean that I forget u,
I’m just giving u time to miss me!
Handsome, Sweet, Intelligent, Spontaneous, Good Looking, Nice Friends, Charming, Funny, well... Enough about ME! How about you?
Hasna jindagi hai, has kar gum boolana jindagi hai,jeet kar hanse to kya hanse,haar kar khushiyan manaana jindagi of luck
Phulon se hasin muskan ho apki, chand sitaron se zyada shaan ho apki,zindagi ka sirf ek ho maksad apka,ki asman se unchi udan ho apki. My best wishes
Troubles r like washing machine; They twist, turn & knock us around, but in the end we come out brighter than before... Have a nice day!
Saathi sirf vo to nahin hota jo jeewan bhar saath nibhaye, Saathi to vo hota hai jo jeewan ke kuch palon mein hi jeewan bhar ka saath de jaaye. Gud Day.
Arz kiya hai, Teri galiyon me na rakhenge kadam... Aaj ke baad... Kyonki kichad bahot ho jata hai. Barsaat ke baad. HAPPY MONSOON
When God solves ur problems, u have faith in his abilities. When he doesn’t solve ur problems, he has faith in ur abilities! Gud Morning.
Jeevan ki har situation mein hamare paas hamesha 2 raste hote hain: Bhaag Lo (run away), or Bhaag Lo (participate). Choice is urs. Gud Morning!
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